No, he didn’t hit the 100k test target.
Why couldn’t No18 have said;
‘We got so close and if you’d allow me to include the mailed-out, uncompleted tests, we did it… but hey-ho… thank you to every one who put so much effort in… you’ve set a fabulous trajectory and we are off, on the right road, let’s try and get to 200,000.’
Instead, we’ve had sophistry and but for the HSJ we would never have discovered the fiddle. A deception that has undermined the effort of everyone involved.
The NHS, of all organisations, knows gaming a target is not the same as gaining the target.
Does it matter? It was a near miss. No. Does it matter they were less than straightforward? Yes.
There’s no place for dissembling leadership. Right now, like never before, we have to be able to trust national-leaders… because trust is the gateway to what comes next; preparing the economy, careful liberation, wise counsel and independent advice.
Fiddles are for Ceilidh bands not for properly orchestrated policy making.
It’s a shame… perhaps more than a shame, particularly as there is an overwhelming amount of good-stuff going on. Made possible by people going stratospherically above the call of duty.
For instance, David Kenny the family therapist from the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, he’s made a series of videos, designed to help support the families of someone undergoing EIT.
West Suffolk’s virtual appointments guide for patients… what to expect and how to prepare.
Somerset FT, taking a proactive approach to the worrying situation surrounding the disproportionate effect CV-19 has on BAME colleagues.
The Royal Wolverhampton’s, Trust wide #nogoingback campaign, including reorganising district nurses, working remotely… one in a series of excellent video-shorts…
… that include; redesigning pharmacy eduction and training and an interesting take from Brian McKaig, deputy medical director, on empowering people to make changes.
Umag Patel at Babylon Health who has developed a special Covid advice-line, linked to doctors, in hospital.
Addenbrooke’s randomised-coffee-trials, helping staff to keep in touch and avoid feeling isolated.
United Lincolnshire’s family liaison team, using iPads to help patients, on CV-19 wards, to keep in touch with relatives and providing a post-box for letters and emails, all operationally hosted by the chaplaincy team.
The Royal Berkshire and Frimley Health who are using an Italian pathway to triage patients, based on oxygen saturation, enabling some patients to go home with a sat’s-probe… their progress monitored by phone-calls.
Jagtar Sing, the chair at Coventry and Warwickshire giving practical advice on virtual meetings.
Sheffield Hosptial’s excellent infographic; helping doctors and nurses to have difficult conversations with relatives; DNACRP, deteriorating patients, ITU transfer and up-dating the family, over the phone.
Liaison Group’s weekly reporting methodology on additional hours booked by Trusts, due to CV-19.
Cheshire and Mersey Specialist Perinatal Service resource, ‘Be kind to Yourself‘, created for women with babies or young children, to support them in establishing a routine, support their wellbeing and engagement in activities, whilst self-isolating.
Northampton General’s coronavirus testing, giving results in less than four hours.
Mid Cheshire supporting staff using PPE and their red, amber and green wards explaining the PPE required when working on them.
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust have produced a video for patients unable to attend rehab sessions due to the CV-19 pandemic.
NELFT, in partnership with UCLPartners, Care City and Basildon and Brentwood CCG, has launched Significant Care, a free tool designed to help carers spot the early signs of deterioration in the health of those they care for and to make good decisions about what to do to help.
Bradford Teaching Hosptial’s ‘wobble rooms’, a place to go for a few minutes to share worries, have a shout-out-loud, a little weep or just be quiet.
All this and so much more, being crafted, shaped, invented, tested and implemented by people who are front-line savvy, top-line knowledgeable and without any targets, first-in-line at getting things done… honestly.
More information on all these terrific initiatives can be found at The Academy of Fabulous Stuff on the Corona Virus Campaign and #nogoingback pages.
News and Comment from Roy Lilley
Contact Roy – please use this e-address
Reproduced at by kind permission of Roy Lilley.